Military life Photo Galleries World War I

Private Ralph Schenken’s World War I Adventure

Millions of men served in the United States military during World War 1. None of them are still living but some have left evidence of their World War 1 adventures. Private Ralph Schenken of the U.S. Army’s 27th Division was one of those.

Afghanistan Air Force Army Iraq (2002-2011) Korea Marines Navy Photo Galleries Somalia Vietnam World War I World War II

Christmas and War in the U.S. Armed Forces

Christmas bomb

America’s fighting men and women have endured the hardships of combat for almost 250 years. However, those hardships haven’t prevented Soldiers, Marines, Sailors and Airmen from celebrating the Holy holiday. presents a look at American war fighters celebrating Christmas during times of war.

Army Photo Galleries Vietnam

Images of the First Infantry Division in Vietnam

1st Infantry Division Patch
1st Infantry Division Patch
The First Infantry Division of the United States Army is one of the proudest units in that service. During the Vietnam War the “Big Red 1” saw 6,146 of its soldiers die in combat, a figure that exceeds the total US forces losses in the recently completed Iraq War. Look inside for combat photos of the First Division in the Vietnam War. Some of these photos may never have been published on the web before. These photos were taken during the 1965-1967 time period.